Twist & Fold
[by Eleni Danesi]
Eleni Danesi is the instructor of Twist & Fold, a series of experimental workshops on aerial movement. We use any kind of apparatus ( silks, rope, trapeze, other) where we practice techniques of folding and twisting on axis, with the aim to get control of our center, improve our endurance, maintain our security while concentrating on our movement qualities.
In the beginning, we will use exercises to warm up the very small part of our body and coordinate them into action, quickly and precisely. We will try to derive inspiration from our mental and experiential archive, in order to create our personal movement vocabulary through improvisation.
During the first day, preparatory exercises will be given, relevant to the combos that will be presented during the workshop. The participants will focus on different movements, on their free will and experiment with them under guidance.
On the second phase of the workshop, we will integrate the combos and we will experiment with more techniques of improvisational movement, in order to come up with a personal improvised choreography.
* Optional: In order to get a better understanding of our movements the participants can bring a camera (any type, even the phone is fine) in order not to film themselves but rather focus on the movement of others. Then a short video will be edited, that will capture a part of your observations over the workshop. During the whole workshop, our intention will be to understand the needs and the potentials of our own body. We focus on our personal space, we stud it step by step, without forgetting that we are part of a bigger ever-evolving scene, with which we are in constant interaction. We try to stay present in this space and come into dialogue with actions around us.
ΔΙΑΡΚΕΙΑ μαθήματος 4 ÏŽρες (2/ημÎρα)

Eleni Danesi
is a body architect and performance artist from Athens, Greece.
In 2012 she was introduced to the contemporary circus, and since then she focuses her interest on experimental aerial movement and aerial movement improvisation.
In 2014 she founded the LatoMeio Project, a cooperation of artists that work collectively on various forms of artistic expressions, and with her team LatoMeio Aerials she gives classes of aerial movement experimentation and performance on various kinds of apparatus, in Greece and Germany.
Her artistic projects, called "somatastasis", are mainly body installations, where architecture and bodily expression meet, while at the same time she focuses her research on the pathology of the body in modern societies.
Her last solo work in progress is called "Me Myself & EI", in Berlin 2017, extracts of which are "Me myself & EI, body reconstruction", "Those days of jealousy".
Last work with LatoMeio Project was "The Martian Chronicles Residency" in Leonidio 2017, where she participated with the performances "In my new skin", "reborn".