Practice-based Research on the Phenomenology
of Physical and Virtual CO-CREATED Realities
This project was "born" during the FRESH A.I.R. residency in URBAN NATION in Berlin in 2022 and was a sub-project of the research "Embodied Democracies: practicing Interdependency".
My main case study was the idea that bodies-landscapes and all forms of organic and inorganic life are intertwined and co-create the realities we live in. Yet we are not always aware of the invisible connections that hold all of us (humans, plants, animals, cities, rocks, microorganisms, etc.) together. Sometimes out of lack of knowledge, out of lack of awareness, and sometimes out of lack of curiosity and courage, we might stay disconnected from the bigger picture, stay disconnected from our surroundings not realizing the mutually dependent relationships between us and any form of Otherness.

Dreaming of (e)CO-Realities, Berlin 2022
Eleni Danesi and Pollinations.ai
Digital Collage of Text-to-Image AI-generated image with landscape photogrammetry
the Virtual/Mental platform for building
of (e)CO-Realities

Crystal Bodyscapes
Prompt Design: Eleni Danesi
Image/animation: Pollinations.ai
Dreaming of (e)CO-REALITIES is research on how these connections can become more evident to us, how we will become more aware that our reality from the anthropocentric perspective is not the only one, it is one of multiple and unique ones, and all of them together compose the environments we inhabit.
I propose somatic and movement-based practices in order to re-establish our connections with space, living and non-living entities. Using a variety of physical and virtual tools, from movement improvisation, visual explorations through physical or digital drawing, immersive design and architecture, poetry and storytelling, gaming and playfulness, mental mapping, and free associational thinking, I aim to go from a state of "dreaming of (e)CO-Realities to a state of co-building an (e)CO-logy of Interdependent Connections.
The theme "dreaming of (e)CO-Realities was also the title of the artists' residency I organized in my hometown in Greece, Leonidio, where artists and scientists from the fields of architecture, performing arts, visual arts, poetry, neuroscience, and philosophy came together for a week to research to the topic of body-landscapes realities in the specific site and landscapes of the broader area of the village. The residency was a self-organized initiative under my art community project LatoMeio Project.
"The City That Lives Through Me"
Prompt Design: Eleni Danesi
Image: Pollinations.ai
Dreaming of (e) CO-Realities, The Martian Chronicles Residency by LatoMeio Project, Leonidio Greece, 2023
Click to download the brochure

Mental Mapping

Blind Walks

(e)CO-Realities GALLERY
"(e)CO-Realities can be felt only when we get to know Ourselves and Otherness inside-out.
Follow me in a deep dive into our Bodies and the Bodies of Others and let's Co-Create the narratives of the future Realities."