[movement improvisation in the negative space]
Do 23. - Sa 25. Mai 2019, 17:00 - 19:30
Studio 3 im Studiohaus, Outdoor Schiffbauergasse 4g
Die Architektin und Performerin Eleni Danesi entführt in Räume zwischen unterschiedlichen Materialien und lädt ein die Wahrnehmung des eigenen und der anderen Körper zu schärfen. Durch Improvisation am Boden, in der Luft, an Seilen und Wänden wird die architektonische Umgebung erkundet. Dieser interdisziplinäre Workshop richtet sich an alle Menschen, die an Räumen zwischen Kunst und unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen interessiert sind.
Preis: 70 €, erm. 60 €
Early bird (bis 30. April 2019): 60 €, erm. 50 €
Anmeldestart am 01.03.2019
Eleni Danesi & LatoMeio Project present:
Floor, walls, space in between. The body as a horizontal surface. The body as a vertical boundary. The free body in floating space. Our bodies are the sensors and detectors of the architectural space, of the space in between, the nonconstructed space. They are able to absorb characteristics of the inhabited environments in ways that make sense to their survival patterns. Without even realizing it, we are molded by shapes around us, while at the same time we are responding to a constant exchange of structural information of materiality.
This research workshop is a cross-disciplinary study on the perception of our bodies in architectural environments. By the term “architectural environments”, we refer not to what is constructed with materials (bricks, stones, wood…) but to what lays in between. In Japanese culture, this in-between space is called “ma”, the negative space, the space between the edges, between the beginning and the end, space and time in which we experience life. “Ma” is the space between the letters, the pause between the notes, the white paper that is revealed after we paint on it, the possibilities of movement in an installation of objects, the experience of a moving hanging body.
“We will be dealing with the question:
How can our floor work be detached from the ground and explore/invade the floating space? We will attempt to build a floating installation of objects/materials and bodies. In this installation, we will invent our own/brand-new/collective ways of moving and evolving in space and time.”
We will research on the “Ma” space through improvisational exercises of ground and aerial movement, painting, filming, music, object installations. Every day we will be working on different modes of improvisation, getting to know our tools individually and become
familiar with their potentiality. Our aim will be to mix and match them, shifting from one medium to the other. By giving a variety of materials and techniques, we will explore ways of interconnectivity and flow, in an attempt to blur the boundaries of our performative expression. We will be working individually but also in pair and groups in order to become “one body”, and work collectively for the construction of the “collective body sculpture”.
Every day we will be working for 2, 5 hours + half an hour in the end for feedback and brainstorming. On the last day, we will have the chance to present our findings in a public outdoor live improvisation performance.
Who can join…
“The workshop is addressed to people who are interested in exploring the “Ma” space in between arts and different forms of expression.
We invite painters, floor or aerial movers, musicians, architects, actors, storytellers, people not related to those fields at all but who are very open to experience their body and surrounding space in a different way, and to any other creatures who can contribute with their presence to our self/body perceptual enrichment.”